
Entity Definition

Logical Name : ConversionState
Physical Name : CO_CVN_ST

An identified, named, defined condition that describes a consumer's level of interaction with the retailer. The number, nomenclature and definition of criteria are up to each retailer to define based on their business strategy. ARTS provides examples to serve as a starting point for retailers. Examples: PROSPECT - an anonymous or identified individual or organization that, based on demographic, geographic, psychographic, or behavioral characteristics may have a need, want or preference for products and services a retailer sells. VISITOR - an anonymous person (or web crawler) that enters a store or web site SHOPPER - a party that enters a store or web site an actively browses through products/services NEW_CUSTOMER- 1st time purchaser of products/services ACTIVE_CUSTOMER - Customer that's purchased items more than one time and have a relationship that is old enough to stratify for determining the relative value of the customer to the retailer. INACTIVE_CUSTOMER - customer who has become inactive based on retailer defined criteria. EX_CUSTOMER - a customer that is permanently inactive

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
ConversionStateCode (PK) A code used to designate the conversion status or condition of a party. (See ConversionState ET definition) CD_CVN_ST Code varchar(20)
Parent (FK) A code used to designate the conversion status or condition of a party. (See ConversionState ET definition) CD_PRNT_CVN_ST Code varchar(20) ConversionState(CO_CVN_ST)
ConversionStateDescription A short narrative description of a given ConversionState DE_CVN_ST DescriptionShort varchar(255)
RelativeLowToHighValue An integer value that defines the relative value of a given conversion state to a retailer's business. This is intended to provide a way to order the listing of conversion states from lowest value to highest value (or the reverse). It is a value assigned by each retailer. No two conversion states should have the same RelativeLowToHighValue. The purpose of this is to use in tracking party state changes as they advance (or retreat) to states that are more or less valuable to the retailer. This is an important dimension when monitoring and managing customer lifecycles. VL_RLTV_LW_TO_HIGH LineNumber smallint
RelationshipStageCode (FK) Code that identifies a partiular stage of development for customer conversion analysis. A list of proposed stages is provided in the entity definition. This code may be assigned by the retailer. ARTS recommends at least four stages: CUST_ACQUISITION CUSTOMER INACTIVE_CUSTOMER EX_CUSTOMER Retailers may define their own codes. CD_RLTN_STG Code varchar(20) RelationshipStage(CO_RLtN_Stg)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
RelationshipStage includes ConversionState
ConversionState contains ConversionState
ConversionState contains ConversionState
ConversionState defines pre-condition of ConversionEvent
ConversionState defines post condition of ConversionEvent
ConversionState defines target of ConversionGoal
ConversionState defines status of ConsumerConversionState

Logical Views containing ConversionState

Logical View
Logical 06310 - Party - Role View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended
Logical 07015 - Customer Lifecycle and Registration
Logical 07017 - Consumer-Customer Lifecycle Context View